KCNT1 World Map - Global Impact of KCNT1
Explore the global impact of KCNT1 epilepsy with our interactive world map. See where families and researchers are making a difference worldwide.
The KCNT1 Census Count
How many KCNT1 Families in the World?
KCNT1 gene variants affect people around the world. We built this map to provide a visual representation of where 493 individuals with KCNT1 gene mutations are located as of 11.5.2024.
To add your family to this map, fill out our Family Contact form.
The KCNT1 Count is the fastest way to show potential drug developers that we have enough families to justify a drug development program for KCNT1 patients.
The more individuals with KCNT1 mutations we can document, the more attractive our rare disease is to pharmaceutical companies, biotech firms, research labs, clinicians, government funders and donors who wish to make an impact.
We invite you to take our census and join our family network. Last updated 11.5.24